
mybrute fight

  1. can you please make my brute chances to fight on day 10 just like Muxxu my brute? if the brute loses 3 fights then it will rest. Thank you
  2. I also found out that in some fights other brutes(enemy) has back up brutes but they don't have back up skills. And when level up +2 Health is literally +2 health lol. 57+2 = 59.
  3. imbalance level up choices. like my brute just level up having to choose a weapon vs endurance i got pet so i choose endurance.
    Before i got 62 endurance then after choosing endurange +2 it only adds up 1hp frustrating.
  4. to summarize, having a brute with low endurance and getting a endurance for level up will only add you 1 or 2hp in my experienced
  5. For now the fights are limited to 6 per day (8 with the Regeneration skill).
    It balances the fact that you can have a lot more brutes than in previous versions.

    As for the endurance, you have to make the distinction between endurance and HP.
    Your endurance total is used to calculate your HP, but some modifiers can lower it, like having a pet.
  6. Hello, my brute cant gain any experience. Anyone has this issue also?